Thursday, February 10, 2011

SBC+3.0 settings files to backup - including activation codes already entered

I recently moved to a new computer and had the time consuming task of re-entering all 133 activation codes for my packages.  Then, it that wasn't fun enough, my new computer had to be imaged and I got to spend the time to put those same 133 activation codes in all over again.  After talking to CMs tech. support, who were very friendly, but not very knowledgeable, I was able to finally track down where SBC+3.0 (at least on Windows 7) keeps its configurations files.  This includes the file with all of the activation codes already entered.  I now backup this file along with the text file backup made from with the content manager.  In this same directory, I also found the files which contain the folder organization of all of your packages.  I backup this file also so that I will never have to organize my packages all over again either.

C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\Creative Memories\StoryBook Creator 3

This directory contains a link to the license content file in: C:\ProgramData\Creative Memories\StoryBook Creator 3  The file is called "ContentLicenses".  It is an XML document.

The file which contains the folders organization is called "PackageFolders"

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